Saturday, August 25, 2007

DO'S and DON'Ts of WINNING!!!

  1. Enter EVERYTHING you possibly can.
  2. If It's FREE ENTER IT
  3. If it costs money to enter, select wisely. Enter only what you can afford to. If you don't feel compelled by the prize let the opportunity pass, there are many more opportunities out there.
  4. Enter 25 word or less competitions. Less people statistically enter these, so your chances are increased - I will cover more on these later.
  5. If you need to, set yourself a budget. Include phone calls, text messaging, stationary and postage. Stick to your budget.
  6. Look for products that are currently associated with a promotion when you do your grocery shopping. A change of brand may mean you come out a winner.


  1. Overspend just for the chance to win a prize. It can be tempting but always remember that it only takes one entry to win.
  2. Ever think you have no chance at winning a 25 word or less competition. It is impossible to know what judges will be looking for.
  3. Fall for scams!!! Be careful of companies offering the chance to win a prize if you agree to spend a certain amount of money, or join some sort of program. Always tread lightly with these types of things, use common sense, and if something doesn't feel right, just move on to the next competition.
  4. Forget to enter!!! Even as a seasoned "comper" I am guilty of purchasing a product only to find it and the entry form days or weeks after the prize has been drawn and awarded. Waste of money and you can't win if you are not in the draw!!!

Where to find competitions or sweepstakes?

There is so much information related to competitions and sweepstakes it is hard to know where to start!!!

Most people enter one or two competitions and get very disheartened when they don't win straight away. Most people fail to realise that there can be thousands upon thousands of entries into a single competition. Most people, when they don't win one of the first competition they enter give up using the excuse that they are just unlucky!!!

From now on you will not be Most People...... You will realise that you CAN BE A WINNER!!!

So where do you start???

There are a number of ways you can track down competitions to enter........

  1. Use Google to your advantage! A quick search for "competitions" or "sweepstakes" or "Win" or both, and you will be overwhelmed with the response. You can also try for specifics such as "Win a car" or "win cash".
  2. Keep your eye out every time you leave the house. Without fail you will find a new competition or sweepstake to enter.
  3. Join a "competition or sweepstake site" there are many many available regardless of the country you live, I will go further into some details of these soon.
  4. Read your junk email spam. It is amazing the number of companies that inform their customers of promotions, competitions and sweepstakes via email. Keep an eye out for possible entries that way too!!!
  5. Look in magazines, they often run offers for readers. So if you or a friend or family member regularly purchase magazines, be sure to scour them for possible prizes!!
  6. The same goes for television and radio stations. You will be sure to see or hear of prizes on offer. It only takes one entry to win.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

You are SO LUCKY!!!!

YES!!! You are lucky and you can win prizes....
How do I know this? Because I am a stay at home mum, an average everyday person, my husband works an average job, and I WIN prizes ALL the time!!!
I am inviting you to join me
on my comping journey and I WILL TELL YOU HOW I WIN!!

"Comping" has helped me contribute to my family in ways I never expected, and I really would love to share everything I have learnt and am yet to learn with others out there. And even better share what NOT to do.

The reality is that there are prizes out there for everything you could possibly dream of..... Here is a short summary of SOME of the things I have won:

** 12 x Digital Camera's: brands such as Nikon and Canon
** 2 x
Sony PSP's
** 5 x Mobile Phones: brands such as:
Nokia, Motorola and Sony Ericsson
** Hundreds of dollars in clothing
** Thousands of dollars in skincare
** Apple Ibook Computer

I will explain many more of my prizes and how i won them along the way... I know right now you are tempted to think "She is SO LUCKY, I never win anything" sob sob sob!!!!!

Well news to everyone.... YOU ARE LUCKY, you just don't know it yet!!!!

There are literally hundreds of companies out there trying to give away MILLIONS of dollars in cash and prizes. I am sure you have heard of or seen at least one promotion or advertisement recently highlighting a really great prize to win..... and YES YOU CAN BE THAT WINNER.